Wednesday 23 November 2011

Full DD Clas at NLSS

The NLSS DD Class now has 10 students enrolled and has reached its cap. New students are now being sent to other schools that are not at capacity in their DD class. I just wanted to know if this is the way it is done always or only for these students. If one more student is accepted, NLSS would have to hire another teacher - which would solve the co-op problem as well. When do they hire another teacher, if they keep turning students away soon the class will be empty and the Board will be able to shut it down. Perhaps this is the real goal? I do not want to send my son to another city when all of his normal friends and his siblings will be going to the school in his community. It would be very had to explain this to him. How many children would like this to happen to them?

1 comment:

  1. Check into the educational laws -- there may be something saying that the school administration cannot turn students away. If one of the turned away parents files a complaint, they may be able to coerce the school into accepting the student?

    I have a vague memory of parents somewhere (Toronto area?) demanding the right for their children to attend a certain school.
    Good luck! Megan
